What We Do
We thoroughly understand the level of you through different assessments and help you reach the next level easily and eventually. We Not only train you but also play with you in the meantime to understand and make you master accordingly.
We not only train the students but also continuously keep tournaments to make them strong and identify their weak points, by doing game analysis. so the player will know where he is doing falling in short and what he needs to pay attention to? How to play in that particular positions, By this way students continuously make progress. Regular mentoring of our coaches give them good confidence for the child to showcase their talent both onboard and off the board. After game analysis, we work on where is he weak example on openings or middle game or end game or tactics accordingly we make a program in order to improve student’s overall game
Our Teaching Style
Irrespective of online or offline we have these levels and trainers will allocate the student to these levels accordingly.